Content Marketing Strategy: A Brief and Practical Guide

In the battle for attention, content marketing is one of the most powerful weapons. In fact, 50% of marketers have plans to increase their investment in content marketing, according to …

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A Brief Look Into the Evolution of Marketing

Marketing drives business success. Understanding the evolution of marketing can help us appreciate current trends and anticipate future shifts. So today, let’s take a brief look through the history of …

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19 Ways to Promote Your Website For Traffic Growth

It’s not enough that you’ve got a website when you’re trying to grow your business. You also need to actively find ways to promote your website to attract visitors, who can potentially …

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Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing vs Digital Marketing

In the ever-evolving business world, it is easy to get caught up in buzzwords and jargon. Two terms frequently tossed around are “social media marketing” and “digital marketing.” But what …

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Do Plain Text Links Have SEO Value? Find Out

If you’ve ever considered adding a plain text link to your bio or business description, you’re onto something. Plain text links hold SEO value, albeit differently from hyperlinked (clickable) links. …

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How to Grow an Online Business (Proven Approach for Success)

If you search online for ‘how to grow an online business’ or something similar, you’ll find an avalanche of tactics, making it hard to determine what actually works. It can …

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Content Marketing vs Digital Marketing: What to Prioritize

It’s easy to confuse content marketing with digital marketing because although they overlap, they are distinct in their approach and objectives. Today, we will go over content marketing vs digital …

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8 Keyword Research Mistakes to Steer Clear Of

Keyword research is the cornerstone of SEO, but it’s easy to fall into traps that can undermine your online presence. These traps are keyword research mistakes that even experienced SEO …

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16 Fresh Ways to Say “Also”

Using the word “also” too frequently can make writing feel repetitious. It’s like painting with only one color; the result may be okay, but it’ll lack depth and vibrancy. Sprinkling …

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