How to Secure a Website for Maximum Security

You need website security measures to keep your site up to date, secured, and running smoothly. This article explains how to secure a website with the latest security software and simple steps to prevent unauthorized access. Securing your website prevents hackers from getting into your database or site to steal customer information.

Here’s how to secure your website.

  • Keep your website up to date
  • Use strong passwords
  • Install SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
  • Get anti-malware software and firewall
  • Be aware of phishing email scams
  • Make regular backups

website security statistics

1. Keep Your Website Updated

You need to update your website frequently to stay ahead of any potential threats. If you’re using Managed WordPress for your site, then you never have to worry about updates. That’s automatically taken care of for you. Furthermore, keep track of your website’s uptime to spot potential attacks.

2. Use Near Uncrackable Passwords

If a hacker uses a valid password to access your site, they can steal valuable information, such as credit card numbers. That’s why you need a strong password. Using things like your kid’s name, birth date, or something that’s guessable won’t do. The most robust passwords are the ones you can’t remember.

Never write a password down on paper for reference. Instead, use a password manager to record your passwords securely. You can use browser-based password managers too, but keep in mind that they provide less privacy, and aren’t as secure from a security standpoint. Nevertheless, it’s better than having nothing.

Also, there’s another way to protect your password without using programs. It’s old-fashioned, but it still works. You can create something powerful that’s easy for you to remember.

Don’t use common words like mommy or sister, as these are simple words that can be guessed. Make sure you have something unique in the name that isn’t guessable. That way, you can be sure no one else has the password.

Additionally, change your password at least once a year. Never give out your username and password to anyone except those you trust (e.g., your website maintenance team). That will help protect your accounts from being compromised.

3. Get an SSL Certificate

Have you ever wondered how to secure a website with https? Well, getting an SSL certificate is how you do that.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encrypts the data that flows between your server and the user’s browser. You can buy SSL security from any web hosting company and install it on your site. Once you purchase SSL, you’ll get the certificate, private key, CA bundle, and instructions for installing the system.

4. Anti-Malware Software and Firewall

If you have weak security or your server isn’t up to par, your site can be hacked easily.

You need an anti-malware application that protects your site from malicious programs, and a firewall to prevent forced or unauthorized access. These are essential components for any website because they keep your site secure at all times, 24/7.

Websites without a firewall and malware security are inviting unwanted guests. Some people make a living by exploiting security flaws to gain access to private data. That information is then sold to the highest bidders.

Consider getting a Web Application Firewall (WAF). WAF filters and monitors HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) traffic between a web application (e.g., your website) and the Internet. WAF typically includes malware protection and can prevent attacks, such as cross-site-scripting (XSS), SQL injection, file inclusion, cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and other nasties.

5. Phishing Scam Awareness

Phishing is online fraud that occurs through email or over a computer network. The attacker uses internet communications to obtain confidential information from users by disguising themselves as a trusted entity.

Information such as usernames, passwords, bank account numbers, etc. are sort after by phishers. The cyber attacker may also try to trick you into revealing personal information.

Here are some crucial tips on preventing phishing scams.

  • Avoid giving out sensitive information via email. Phishers commonly use your email address to obtain information. If you must send something over email, make sure the server and network are secure.
  • Don’t click on email links involving important websites you use. For example, never click on the link your bank sends you via email. Instead, go to your browser and access the account that way.
  • The following is worth noting again. Change your password often, and at least once a year.
  • Always check the source of an email. If it seems like an email is coming from someone you know, double-check by clicking on the address for more information. Also, look for other email addresses on the sender’s list to verify who sent it.

6. Make Regular Backups

You can protect your site by making regular backups. This way, you can quickly recover any of your lost data if something happens. A clean backup can help you roll back changes made to your site by an attacker.

For instance, you can restore a backup with your old credentials to regain access to the site. Then change your password and username immediately after restoration.

To make backups regularly, get a backup tool or service. They automatically back up your website daily, ensuring you never forget.

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