7 Creative Ways to Promote Your First Social Media Post

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Are you having jitters on your first post online, or are you worried that your post won’t have many engagements? First posts make a significant impact on the owner or the author, depending on the content. These posts can make or break the online presence of the owner. So here are creative ways you can promote your first post online.

1. Fill Out Your Profile

Before hitting the publish button, it is best to have your profile filled out with as many details as you can. There is nothing to lose with a profile rich in information where potential collaborators, critics, and readers can reach out. A complete profile might be a no-brainer, but the change it brings will surprise you. It links your viewers to your other social media accounts; it lets them get to know you more, and it makes your online presence approachable.

The about section of your page lets readers know where to find you. Networks and social media accounts that your viewers and readers prefer can be found in this section, and it enables them to reach out to you beyond your site freely.

2. Don’t Underestimate Hashtags

Hashtags are used to make your brand stand out. There are a lot of possibilities when you incorporate hashtags in your posts. You can use branded hashtags to make that a unique part of your brand. By your next post, you can still use this hashtag to remind people of how this can be quickly associated with you.

Trending hashtags also work on posts, depending on the context. In general, hashtags work almost all the time in promoting something online. There is no reason why you should not incorporate these tags in your published posts.

3. Use Videos

Video content is great for marketing because it can significantly impact the promotion of a product, a service, or any post as it captures the viewers’ attention. It also retains a load of information, especially when great animation and sound effects are used. Video clips can contain a range of information, ranging from the gist, special mentions, giveaways, or collaborations. These videos have a better retention rate than stock photos.

4. Create Ads

Social media is the best place for you to promote your post because you can create custom ads to boost your profile. There are a lot of advertising platforms where you can have targeted ads based on interest groups. These sites track the habit of users and keep that in specific categories. With this in mind, you can have a better audience with an extending reach. Even people who have not heard from you will have an insight into your upcoming post.

With millions of active users, posting ads on social media can promote specific posts, sites, and services that target the right demographic and geographic data. You can optimize your ads with more tips here.

5. Build Your Own Community

Among the effective marketing strategies in promoting posts includes having your own community. Being in social groups and communities gives you a direct line to your audience. This community can serve as your “seed” where people can reach out to you more.

People in that community want to engage with you more. It also means that they are enjoying your content. Joining the group also implies that they are excited about future posts and other topics you will take further.

These groups also encourage you to interact with your readers and viewers more. Social communities can provide you with an outlet where you can have discussions on a regular basis, survey out what readers want to know more, and it reaches out to readers, letting them know that your platform is a two-way lane as you listen.

6. Have A Live Session

Live video sessions have significantly improved the social media marketing of a lot of personalities and influencers. Social media platforms have a live feature where the owner can reach out more with the readers and fans. This makes your profile ride along with the algorithm, making it appear on top of most timelines.

These live videos are great catalysts for social media marketing. Fans and viewers expect to engage with the live session, so having a well-constructed plan for live videos will make it more thoughtful.

7. Keep Up with The Trend and Connect with Other Influencers

A good question to ask yourself is if your first post is relevant to the current events or trending topics online. This makes a great point for readers because it encourages them to read more about your future posts. Relevant topics and issues also make your online presence a socially responsible one.

Nothing will relate more to your posts other than an influencer who has the same vision and thoughts as you do. Connecting with influencers can boost your post since they can share it with their followers. Influencer marketing is effective.


It’s normal to have mixed emotions before you publish your first post. Understandably, reaching out to the right audience can take a lot of time, but patience is also one of the keys that won’t cost you. Doing one or all of the tips in promoting your post can result in an incredible change in your following or reach.

About the Author

Charles Vallena is the author and editor-in-chief of TheGuitarJunky.com, an online music site dedicated to helping aspiring musicians become real musicians. He provides expert insights, guides, lessons, and reviews on acoustic guitars, digital piano, drums, and other musical instruments. Follow Guitar Junky on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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