Website Optimization Strategies Any Entrepreneur Can Use

Website optimization has changed since the advancement of AI (artificial intelligence). Deep learning algorithms (a type of AI) have become a primary way that search engines make decisions. Both Bing and Google use deep learning to improve their search results.

The good news is that deep learning made website optimization easier in some aspects. For one thing, you don’t have to focus on too many ranking influencers or factors to achieve results anymore.

Also, keyword optimization is easier. Search engines can understand the relation between queries. For example, the algorithm knows that ‘pop’ also means ‘soda’. It understands that website optimization also means SEO.

The key to gaining traffic is to focus on the ranking influencers that carry the most weight. This article will show you how to optimize your website even if you have limited knowledge about SEO.

What is Website Optimization?

Website optimization is the process of making adjustments to a site so it ranks higher on search engines.

Google, Bing, and others use a lot of variables to assess the value of a website and its web pages. Their algorithms assign a rank to each page. Implementing website optimization techniques is how you improve that rank.

Why is Website Optimization Important?

Most Internet users don’t look past the first page of search results. This is why website optimization is so crucial. SEO agencies use their knowledge of ranking factors to optimize your site.

Effective Website Optimization Tips Even Total Beginners Can Use

Most entrepreneurs know that traffic is critical to any online business. Generating revenue is harder if you can’t get visitors to your site. You cannot gain success without it.

Furthermore, the value of a website greatly depends on how well it generates traffic without paid ads.

the results of website optimization

The given website on the screenshot generates 263 organic estimated clicks each month. The cost of that traffic if the site paid for it would be $1,570 per month.

Website optimization pays but most entrepreneurs aren’t tech-savvy. And sometimes, you have to do all the work yourself in the beginning stages of your business. With that in mind, here are some easy website optimization strategies anyone can use.

Focus on The Intent Behind Keywords

Most people understand how to perform keyword research when they learn about it. But many find keyword intent comprehension tough.

Before creating anything, search for the target keyword yourself to see the pages that rank for the term. Research each web page that appears on page one or at least, the top three. Observe to figure out what a searcher intends to find by performing the search. You can satisfy the search term when you understand the searcher’s intent.

Search engine algorithms pretty much tell you what people want to see on the first page. You just have to pay attention to the search results.

Improve User Experience

Think of all the websites you frequent and answer the following question.

Why do you like them?

Today you can find almost anything you want online. Many different websites discuss the same subject matters. The determiner between returning to a site and ghosting is your experience. So don’t neglect the visitor’s experience. It’s easy to become too obsessed with the technical aspects of SEO.

Keep user experience top of mind. Map the consumer journey and look at your site through the lens of a customer. Here’s an example. You can follow the process of buying something on your site to see if the experience is satisfactory.

Assess everything from desktop to mobile usability to page speed to browsing. Put yourself in the shoes of your ideal customer. Is the web copy effective? Do pages load quickly? How does your website look on mobile? These are some questions you must answer.

Be the Expert

Consider the long-term goal of your content strategy. You should strive to become an expert in your niche.

In general, the expert performs better on search engine results pages (SERP). The reason for this is because experts tend to gain more backlinks. And links are important for rankings. People prefer linking to websites that they perceive as authorities.

Becoming an expert in your industry will take some time and consistency. You have to keep publishing content on your site and others. Also, make use of social proof when it counts. For instance, placing relevant awards on your site can help show expertise.

Improve Page Speed

Page speed refers to the time your web pages take to load and is a search engine ranking factor. Many consumers don’t have the patience to wait for a slow-loading page. So improving page speed can affect your rankings and conversion rate in a positive way.

Sometimes, you can improve page speed by getting a better web hosting service. Many shared hosting providers don’t have a good time to first byte (TTFB). That refers to the responsiveness of a web server. Or how long it takes to respond to HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) requests.

You can also improve site speed by doing the following.

  • Use an image compression tool to reduce the size of images.
  • Keep image sizes scaled to fit where you place them. For example, if the width of an area is 500 pixels, then resize your image to match that, not 1000 pixels.
  • Reduce HTTP requests by limiting the number of plugins or integrations you use. This can be tough to do depending on your needs but it pays off big time.
  • Get a CDN (Content Delivery Network) service. This is a geographically distributed network of servers that help to serve your pages faster. CDN alone can increase your page speed. They typically come included with website security

There are more advanced ways to improve site speed but that’s beyond the scope of this article. The scope is to help you optimize your website even without advanced knowledge.

Link Out

Most people know that they can get a boost in rankings whenever someone links to one or more of their web pages. But few know that linking out to others can provide the same benefit.

Search engines aren’t looking for relevance alone. They also want content that is well-researched and backed by some supporting information. So link to different sources of supporting information whenever relevant.

But don’t overdo it. Keep external links to a sensible ratio to internal links. A good example of a site that does this well is Wikipedia. The website links to thousands of other sites. But it has more internal links pointing to existing pages.

External links can add value to your content by making it richer and more complete. Use them accordingly.

Website Optimization Checklist

Here’s a free website optimization checklist to help you optimize web pages. You can also grab ‘The Web Copy Optimization Checklist’. That helps you optimize your articles. Get it now.

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