9 Content Marketing Statistics That Prove It Works

Let’s jump right into these content marketing statistics, shall we?

  1. Content marketing has both lower up-front costs and deeper long-term benefits than paid search (source: Kapost – in collaboration with Eloqua).
  2. Content marketing costs 62% less & generates 3x as many leads than outbound marketing (Source: Demand Metric).
  3. More than 615 million devices now have ad-blocking software (according to PageFair 2017 Global Adblock Report)!
  4. Almost half of people between age’s 18-49 get their news and information online – and those numbers are growing (Source: 2016 Pew Research Center study).
  5. 77% of Internet Users read blogs and small businesses with blogs get 126% more lead growth than businesses without (source: IMPACT).
  6. 61% of U.S. online consumers have made a purchase based on recommendations from a blog (Content Marketing Institute).
  7. Content marketing brings in conversion rates that are six times higher than other methods (Source: Aberdeen Essentials).
  8. Publishing 16+ blog posts a month brings 3.5x more traffic than publishing 0 to 4 articles (Source: Hubspot).
  9. 47% of buyers viewed 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep. (Source: Demand Gen Report, 2016).

content marketing statistics infographic

“Content Marketing is all the marketing that’s left.” - Seth GodinClick To Tweet

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