How to Effectively Run an Inbound Marketing Campaign

Are you ready to start your very own inbound marketing campaign? Are you looking for ways to improve the inbound marketing campaign that you already have? No matter what stage you are at, here’s how to effectively run it.

You may have heard about many brands reporting impeccable success from using inbound marketing. Naturally, you should want some of that success for yourself and it is within reach.

However, if you are new to marketing campaigns or you’re trying to understand how to run an inbound marketing campaign, things may become a little complicated at first. Don’t sweat it; this is because your mind is trying to factor in all of the different elements that make up inbound marketing.

If you find that things are starting to become complicated, the best thing to do is to go back to the basics or fundamentals.

'Inbound is about bringing customers to you, not chasing after them'Click To Tweet

All right, looks like we are all set to start. Here is how to effectively run an inbound marketing campaign:

Create a Blog Series

By now, you may already know the importance of blogging. Not only for inbound marketing but also for digital marketing as a whole. It is almost like the be all and end all. If you don’t get it right, you’ll probably not get the results that you want. If you get it right though, you’ll be celebrating with a glass (or bottle) of the finest champagne.

To highlight just how important blogging is to an inbound marketing campaign, the Content Marketing Institute found that a huge 80% of B2B (business to business) marketers used blogging as the core factor in their inbound marketing campaigns.

So why is that?

To put it simply, inbound marketing is all about bringing your customers to you, rather than chasing after them. This concept has enabled thousands of organizations to do more with less. Content creation is at the heart of inbound marketing; it is what makes this type of marketing work.

Without good content, your inbound marketing efforts may yield little or no result. Maintain a company blog and use it as a content platform for attracting more visitors to your website.

Create an Attractive Offer

Another key factor in any successful inbound marketing campaign is an attractive offer. People do not give up their contact information for anything and everything; they will only give it up for something that they really want. Which of these offers do you think would get the higher conversion rate?

  1. Sign up to our newsletter for news and updates
  2. Download your free inbound marketing kit

The second offer is much more targeted and is of actual value to the visitor.

To further clarify, let’s showcase another example of a targeted offer. Assuming that you wanted to acquire more readers for your blog, you may also use an offer like this one:

  • Never miss a post! Signup to start increasing traffic to your website

This offer highlights the benefits of joining your blog newsletter or mailing list to the visitor.

Create An Effective Landing Page

One thing that you shouldn’t skip out on when building an inbound marketing campaign is a well-designed landing page. If your landing page isn’t mobile friendly, loads slowly or doesn’t highlight benefits, it probably won’t have a good conversion rate.

Here are some key elements that make up a high converting landing page:

  • Use a clear and attractive headline that highlights the main benefit of your product or targets a pain point.
  • Use trust signals such as brands you’ve worked with, testimonials or social shares to gain the trust of the visitor that is landing on the page.
  • Add a clear and attractive call-to-action (CTA) that states exactly what the visitor will get once they filled out the form.
  • Include bullet points that highlight the key benefits of the product instead of its features.

Share Your Content

This is a very simple task, yet so many forget to do it or don’t spend enough time doing it. Once you have published a blog post, it is important that you share it instead of letting it sit and hoping that the traffic will automatically appear. Although, that would be nice!

You can use your social media pages and email list to promote your content. If you mentioned a blogger, influencer or some third-party tool in your blog post, then reach out to them and let them know that you have mentioned them. They will no doubt share your blog post with their followers and may even link to your blog post from their website.

Boost Social Media Posts

If you haven’t yet got a decent social media following or any social media following at all, you can use social media advertising like Facebook to boost your posts to gain awareness and to start growing your following.

Right now, it’s very affordable to boost your post on social media. In fact, you could go as low as $1 a day to reach hundreds of people depending on whom you’re targeting. However, don’t forget that ultimately the more you spend, the greater reach you will have.

To conclude…

These simple yet very effective methods are a great way to give your inbound marketing campaign the best of starts. Lest we forget, remember that inbound marketing, like most marketing is all about testing and optimizing. So…

'Never let your campaign become stagnant, always improve it as you gain new insights.'Click To Tweet

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