Top 3 Online Marketing Strategies and How to Use Them

Traffic is the number one constant in business that is needed to drive up revenues. In digital marketing, qualified traffic is even more important. What can get even more confusing is choosing the right set of online marketing strategies.

Internet marketing has become even more technical and you’ve got to be a little tech-savvy if you want to DIY.

So if traffic is the most important ingredient of online business success, then what are the best ways to get lots of it? Here’re the top three strategies that you can use to increase website visitors.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media
  • Email

You’ll find that these strategies all work together and in almost all cases you’ll be dealing with 3 stakeholders.

The owner of the platform, customer and your business!

1. SEO

SEO refers to a set of strategies used for improving a website’s visibility on the web and rank in search engine results pages. It’s a hot topic for many business owners.

SEO focuses on the needs of your customer.

The basic strategy is to perform keyword research to find out what people are searching for and then create solutions.

You should use this strategy to increase your web traffic and strategically gain new customers. Think of where you want to be in the sales funnel!

But wait…

What’s the sales funnel?

The sales funnel refers to any strategic buying process that a business uses to lead customers towards making a buying decision.

Not all sales funnels are the same because it depends on the product that you’re selling.

Here’s one common sales funnel as an example:

  • Awareness phase – This is when prospects become aware that your solution exists for their problem.
  • Interest phase – The prospects begin to conduct further research because they’re interested.
  • Evaluation phase – People will often examine other solutions such as your competitor’s offerings before they reach a buying decision.
  • Decision phase – They’ve reached a purchase decision and are ready to buy.
  • Purchase phase – They buy the product.
  • Reevaluation phase – If your product requires recurring renewal, your customer may reevaluate it to decide whether or not to keep it.
  • Repurchase phase – Your customer decides to repurchase the product.

Decide which phase you want to be on or meet prospects on and create content that attracts them.

2. Social Media

Think of social media as a new way that people use to connect, interact and consume content with each other.

People use social media to fill up spare time, get news updates, networking, entertainment, shopping, as well as to stay in touch with family and friends.

As a business, you’ll want to identify the kinds of content your ideal customer likes to consume and share that.

You can create or share other people’s content but keep it focused on what your target audience likes to consume.

You shouldn’t be on every social media platform. Pick the most effective social platforms for your business and focus your efforts on those.

Ultimately, you want to use social media to drive traffic to your website!

Don’t get lost focusing on growing the social network alone. Grow your channel with the sole purpose of sending people to your website.

3. Email

If there’s one marketing channel that isn’t going away anytime soon, it’s email!

It’s the number one medium for carrying information and has surpassed its predecessors.

Email gives you lots of control and is highly adaptable for businesses.

Use email to establish a clearly defined audience or permissions lists (people who want to hear from you).

You can use this simple 4-step process:

1. Establish your goals

Decide on the goals that you want to accomplish. What do you want to sell? Is your goal to simply have more readers for your blog?

2. Build your email list

Choose a medium or platform and start building your email list. You can use a blog or social media to do it.

You can even just ask people that you meet for their email addresses. There’re many ways that this can be done. Decide on a medium and focus on it.

3. Send out your emails

Start emailing your list. The key is to remember that the people on your list want something too.

Think of your mission statement. Why did people signup to your mailing list? Focus on that to be successful.

4. Measure your results

What is a success for you? For many businesses, it’s a number of people that buy a product.

Track your open rate, click-through-rate and purchase rate.

Essentially, how many people opened the email vs. how many clicked the link vs. how many bought something.

Use software services like MailChimp to do this.

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[Video] 3 Online Marketing Strategies That Work Best

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