A Small Business Blog For the Growth Minded

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How to Gain More Followers on Instagram Like a BOSS!

It’s been about 8 years since the launch of Instagram and some of us still have trouble using it for our business. The objective today is to show you how …

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5 Ways to Improve Engagement for Your Facebook Business Page

Some of us know that Facebook decreased organic reach for brands sometime back in 2012. Brands are no longer able to reach all of their fans and getting new traffic …

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How Mobile Website Design or Responsive Web Design Works

Most of the world has gone mobile and it’s now the preferred choice for surfing the web. Today businesses need a mobile website design if they want to reach customers on mobile …

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Responsive Web Design: Should You Adopt It?

Every day, the demand to access the web grows within the global community as access devices continue to be enhanced with better internet surfing capabilities. Devices such as mobile phones, tablets, iPhones, …

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What SEO Success Looks Like And 5 Things You Must Do This Year

Operating a successful small business online or offline is highly dependent on traffic, whether it’s local or on the web, you’ll always need ‘eyeballs’. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a …

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Web Hosting Comparison: A Review of The Cheapest Hosting Companies

To remain competitive in your industry, you’ll eventually have to take your business online. That’s why I wrote this web hosting comparison and review. The two most important things to look for …

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How Color Influences Decisions That We Make

Color psychology is a study of how color influences decisions. Color influences your perceptions in a subtle way. You won’t notice it happening but colors can influence what you buy, the …

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How to Stop Procrastination From Ruining Your Dreams

There’s no time like the present to start working on your goals. But it’s not whether you can do it, the real question is how to stop procrastination from ruining …

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How to Start a Company From Home

If you’re here, it means that you are wondering how to start a company. Whether you’re thinking of starting a small business from home or something bigger, this information can …

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